di52, the PHP 5.2 compatible DI container, is getting IDE autocompletion

Autocompletion for the win.

Guess the class

The more I use the PHP 5.2 compatible container project di52 the more I fill a list of the things I’d like it to do for me.
I’ve been working on it to make it auto-generate metadata files that IDEs like PhpStorm, Sublime Text or vim are able to consume to suggest sane and useful auto-completion while typing.
Below is a PhpStorm example:

[caption id=“attachment_3313” align=“aligncenter” width=“1784”]di52 auto completion at work on PhpStorm di52 auto completion at work on PhpStorm[/caption]


For the time being I’ve been able to generate PhpStorm metadata files pretty easily and I will publish that code soon.
Next on the list is Sublime Text and then vim; the latter will require more work to play nice with the various plugins offering autocompletion functionalities.