WPBrowser WP-CLI package is out.

Scaffolding wp-browser based plugin and theme tests using wp-cli.

Good enough

The development of the wp-cli wp-browser based tests scaffolding command package took some time but it’s finally good enough for version 1.0.0.
I’ve tested the plugin and theme scaffolding commands to the point where I feel confident those will be able to fly.
The bulk of the package are the two test scaffolding commands imitating what wp-cli plugin tests scaffolding command that are longer to describe than to show:

wp wpb-scaffold plugin-tests my-plugin
wp wpb-scaffold theme-tests my-theme

On GitHub but not on package list yet

Version 1.0.0 of the package is available on GitHub.
See the README for more details.
The package is still waiting to be inserted in the official package list at this point so the installation will requirer a clone operation:

git clone https://github.com/lucatume/wpcli-wpbrowser-tests.git \

Missing piece

The commands are still missing a decent CI integration to scaffold a ready to run Travis CI or Circle CI configuration files but I’m working on those.
To get my feet wet I will post a “0 to CI testing” setup guide using the commands to setup a theme and a plugin tests and come up with a decent solution after that.