WPBrowser cookie grabbing

Half way on the WordPress cookie setting/grabbing path.

Half job done, the PHPBrowser part.

I’ve udpated the WP Browser package adding the WordPress cookie grabbing capabilities. The WebDriver part still has to come through but cest test case methods like this are currently possible

public function _before(AcceptanceTester $I) {
    // just storing, not setting

public function it_should_redirect_to_word_press_login_screen_when_trying_to_access_admin_w_o_rights(AcceptanceTester $I) {
    $I->wantTo( "be redirected to the WordPress login when trying to access /admin w/o rights" );

    $I->amOnPage( '/admin' );

    // will pass, no auth cookies
    $I->seeElement( 'body.login' );

public function it_should_redirect_to_word_press_admin(AcceptanceTester $I) {
    $I->wantTo( "be redirected to the WordPress admin area" );

    // setting from stored values
    $I->amOnPage( '/admin' );

    // will pass, has auth cookies
    $I->seeElement( 'body.admin' );

the udpates are still experimental and probably unstable and will require some more testing and adaptation to work with WPWebDriver. Probably not safe to update.