Testify updated to generate properly incomplete methods

I’ve updated testify to generate data provider methods that won’t break test running out of the box.
Previous version did generate data provider methods like

public function NonStringArgumentProvider()
    return array(
    // $nonStringArgument

 * @dataProvider NonStringArgumentProvider
public function testSomeMethodWillThrowForNonStringArgument($nonStringArgument)
    $this->markTestIncomplete('This test has not been implemented yet.');

which meant that, without any further coding, running the test case would have raised an exception for each test method expecting something from its data provider method and getting nothing.
Updated version will generate an array of null elements

public function NonStringArgumentProvider()
    // $nonStringArgument
    return array(

to allow the test methods to run and be properly marked as incomplete. [caption id=“attachment_584” align=“aligncenter” width=“1024”]Incomplete tests Incomplete tests, no errors[/caption]