Action-Domain-Responder in WordPress – 02

Adding some lower level tests.


In my previous post I’ve introduced my attempt to implement the Action-Domain-Responder pattern in a WordPress context using a WordPress plugin.
I’m building, in this post, on the code and considerations of that previous one and I suggest it as an introductory reading.
I’ve introduced, in that, the use of the testing tools: Codeception and wp-browser, and that of the production tools: DI52 for dependency injection management, klein52 for the routing.
I concluded the post passing a first acceptance test to make sure I could, with no user-land interaction involving the creation or manipulation of pages, see the list of the last published posts at the aptly named /posts page.
The code of that first iteration can be seen on the repository, tagged dev-1.

Adding some lower level testing

I’ve written a first acceptance test and put together the minimum code needed to pass that trying to stick with the ADR pattern; it’s now time to add some lower level tests: some unit level ones, ideally.
Looking at the current non-boilerplate code I want to test three classes:

  • adr_Actions_ViewPosts - the first action implementation; that depends upon…
  • adr_Responders_Responder - a class depending on the Twig library and…
  • adr_Domains_Domain - a wrapping around the WP_Query class

I will start from the last one as it makes for a more interesting case.
The current implementation of the class is this:

// file src/adr/Domains/Domain.php

class adr_Domains_Domain {

    public function get( array $args ) {
        $query = new WP_Query( $args );

        return $query->have_posts() ? $query->posts : array();

It gets the job done but presents a fundamental flaw from a test-driven development perspective: the WP_Query class is an hard-coded dependency that is built in the context of the get method itself; as such there is no way for me to mock that $query dependency in a clean way.
The first modification I do is, then, to add a constructor method explicitly declaring an instance of the WP_Query class as a dependency:

// file src/adr/Domains/Domain.php

class adr_Domains_Domain {

     * @var \WP_Query
    protected $query;

    public function __construct( WP_Query $query ) {
        $this->query = $query;

    public function get( array $args ) {
        $this->query->parse_query( $args );
        $posts = $this->query->get_posts();

        return $this->query->have_posts() ? $posts : array();

Running the only available acceptance test I confirm this modification is not “breaking” the code:

Once this dependency is injected it can be controlled and testing the class becomes easier; here is the final code for the class unit test case:

namespace adr\Domains;

use adr_Domains_Domain as Domain;

// dynamically load WordPress root folder from Codeception configuration file, see codeception.yml
include_once \Codeception\Configuration::config()['wpRootFolder'] . '/wp-includes/class-wp-query.php';

class DomainTest extends \Codeception\Test\Unit {

     * @var \UnitTester
    protected $tester;

     * @var \WP_Query
    protected $query;

    protected function _before() {
        $this->query = $this->prophesize( \WP_Query::class );

     * @return Domain
    private function make_instance() {
        return new Domain( $this->query->reveal() );

     * @test
     * it should be instantiatable
    public function it_should_be_instantiatable() {
        $sut = $this->make_instance();

        $this->assertInstanceOf( Domain::class, $sut );

     * It should call a WP_Query with the provided arguments
     * @test
    public function should_call_a_wp_query_with_the_provided_arguments() {
        $args = [ 'foo' => 'bar' ];
        $this->query->parse_query( $args )->shouldBeCalled();

        $sut = $this->make_instance();

        $sut->get( $args );

     * It should return the query result if posts are found matching the query
     * @test
    public function should_return_the_query_result_if_posts_are_found_matching_the_query() {
        $args  = [ 'foo' => 'bar' ];
        $posts = [ 'some' => 'posts' ];
        $this->query->parse_query( $args )->shouldBeCalled();
        $this->query->get_posts()->willReturn( $posts );
        $this->query->have_posts()->willReturn( true );

        $sut = $this->make_instance();

        $this->assertEquals( $posts, $sut->get( $args ) );

     * It should return an empty array if no posts were found matching the query
     * @test
    public function should_return_an_empty_array_if_no_posts_were_found_matching_the_query() {
        $args = [ 'foo' => 'bar' ];
        $this->query->parse_query( $args )->shouldBeCalled();
        $this->query->get_posts()->willReturn( 'foo' );
        $this->query->have_posts()->willReturn( false );

        $sut = $this->make_instance();

        $this->assertEquals( [], $sut->get( $args ) );

Worth noting here is I’ve defined a wpRootFolder parameter at the root of Codeception configuration file, it is filled at runtime using Codeception dynamic parameter configuration:

    tests: tests
    output: tests/_output
    data: tests/_data
    support: tests/_support
    envs: tests/_envs
actor_suffix: Tester
        - Codeception\Extension\RunFailed
        - Codeception\Command\GenerateWPUnit
        - Codeception\Command\GenerateWPRestApi
        - Codeception\Command\GenerateWPRestController
        - Codeception\Command\GenerateWPRestPostTypeController
        - Codeception\Command\GenerateWPAjax
        - Codeception\Command\GenerateWPCanonical
        - Codeception\Command\GenerateWPXMLRPC
        - Codeception\Command\DbSnapshot
        - tad\Codeception\Command\SearchReplace
  - .env
wpRootFolder: "%WP_ROOT_FOLDER%"

This allows me, in the test file, to include the /wp-includes/class-wp-query.php file no matter how the testing environment is configured. Hard-coding file paths in relation to a known file structure is not a crime in tests but getting into the habit of thinking about CI environments and different setups is usually a good idea.
I’m also using the make_instance pattern I’ve grown fond of to mock the “subject under test” ( hence the “sut” variable name) dependencies in the _before, or setUp, method of the test case, setting them up in the test method and then building the object knowing my ad-hoc and set up dependencies will be injected; this comes especially handy when the dependency injection is done via the object constructor method and not through factory or setter methods.

The test code for the adr_Responders_Responder and adr_Actions_Action classes is pretty much on the same line and not really revolutionary; the code shown here is on GitHub tagged dev-2.
Running the whole acceptance and unit test suites I verify everything clicks in place:

Note that I’m not running the suites all at the same time using codecept run, but one after the other using:

codecept run acceptance && codecept run unit

While this is not strictly necessary at the moment once I add tests depending on WordPress code it will become fundamental to make sure test will not interfere one with the other due to WordPress fondness for global variables and constants.


I will work next to make sure the plugin more deeply integrates in tried and trusted WordPress mechanics putting in place the first integration tests.